Review: Come Back to Leave Me... Again

Come Back to Leave Me... Again by Sohil Ashvin Shah
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Blurb -

Why does the love always seem beautiful in romantic movies and novels, but not in real life? 

Why should lovers not be in any relationship after they break up? 

Why do ex-lovers always try to deal with damages instead of staying together? 

If you want answers to the questions, this book is for you.

My views -

Come Back To Leave Me... Again by Sohil Ashvin Shah is an romantic fiction. It is one of the good love plot until its end story gave a good flow to read in one go.

Story is basically about Siddhant and Hritisha how their friendship and love developed in Dubai got some disastrous end there and as result of destiny it redeveloped in India. It spokes many things like why does love ends time to time and why love never gives the assurance of being together? Love is forever means then why these breakups?

As the story characters are also characterized well but in the narration point of view I can't understand some dialogues because of lack of translations and I don't know Hindi and Gujarati as well. Also I think one more proof reading before printing would given much better results.

Overall, This novel is a good read with delivery of true emotions through Siddhant and Hritisha. I also want to say my first impression to pick this novel is Title and Cover both are something to do with my choice of picking novels.

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