IGNITED MINDS... Unleashing the power within India

Nation consist of people. And with their effort a nation can accomplish all it could ever want. Motivating India's people, and its youth especially, is the central theme of IGNITED MINDS.

In nine chapters of this book, Abdul kalam sir take up various themes. Begins with a rumination on peace and there is a chapter based on his interaction with youths and children all over India, other chapters contains the insights gained in meetings with saints and seers, scientists, industry leaders, outstanding thinkers and others.

This book is all about breaking away from the forces that would prefer us to remain a nation of a billion people selling cheap labour and raw materials and providing a large market for goods and services of their nations.

This book says that " Start moving with Power of Imagination " in motivational way blended with APJ Abdul kalam sir's interactions, thoughts and experiences in space, defence and nuclear sectors.

" Thinking is capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard work is the solution. "

Ignited minds is about developing that conviction in ourselves and discharging the things that hold as back.

Kalam sir didn't imposes his views on others. However he only tried to guide. Shared his dreams of a developed India and see it made real in our own. " INDIA 2020 "

" Instead of improving theories and transplanting concepts we need to grow our own solutions. Instead of searching for answers outside we will have to within for them. "

You will find in this book plain speaking :
Surge ahead as a developed nation or perish in perpetual poverty, subservient to a few countries that control the world politically and economically. There are no other alternatives.

" Whenever the project leader tries to make himself out to be bigger than the project, the enterprise suffers. "


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