Review: When Blessings Come: Life Becomes Beautiful

When Blessings Come: Life Becomes Beautiful by Ranjit Arora
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Blurb -

Blessings are a wonderful gift from the Almighty which come when you pray with a true heart. This book unravels those moments when such blessings are received and life takes a pleasant turn, resulting in everything falling in place. The book is a collection of short stories from the author's own life and of his dear ones where the Almighty showered his blessings, thus ending their struggle and gifting beautiful and joyous moments. Although difficult to understand, everybody experiences situations in life when their prayers are answered and tough times in hindsight seem to bring the most positive changes. The author has succinctly narrated how he handled tough situations with courage, conviction, and impressions others left on him that shaped his life. The stories hope to make the readers relive similar experiences from their own lives. Life becomes beautiful when you develop new relationships, turn strangers into friends with a good attitude and empathy, and express gratitude to people who are the harbingers of good tidings and to the Almighty for His blessings, sometimes consciously summoned or naturally received. 

My views -

When blessings Come By Ranjit Arora is a collection of 25 short stories, Which mostly narrates about the author's personal experience with the almighty blessings. I surely would say that he tried to spread the positive vibrations all over through his stories.

Writing a collection of short stories which is gripping enough to make the readers stay engaged with different genres and making sure the central theme of novel about blessings is maintained is tough but author did everything well. The narration on other makes me feel like hearing stories from the third person just so naturally. I also found this quite an easy while reading with simple language and vocabularies. Also few grammatical mistakes need to taken care of before next editions.

Overall, When Blessings Come is a good read and also different from other stories would suggest to ones who looking for change of genres and also to ones who looking for light and positive read.

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