Review: I am a home to butterflies

I am a home to butterflies by J. Alchem
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Blurb -

A captain sinks with his ship
then why cannot a lover?

This collection of poetry is all about you and me, but I am afraid it will no longer be about 'you and me' once a reader picks it up. It will then be about them only.

It will be all about the one they loved like thunder, about the one they struggled hard to keep, about the one who had left them in the middle of their 'forever', about their world shattering into pieces, about them gluing together every piece, and about them falling in love one more time.

And if you still think it is about you and me, you haven't loved someone like thunder, yet.

My views -

I am home to butterflies by J.Alchem is a collection of poems, quotes and letters which is unique in author's own style. I had read author's previous works “Undelivered letters” and “The Highway Man” which was absolutely wonderful because of that I had a huge expectation on this one too. And, guess what as usual author kept the expectation alive and got it to new height with his different experiment on this novel.

The various emotions especially in the love were beautifully penned by author. There were certain points where he beautiful described bitter truth simply in the way of quotes and poems. The concept of letters gave me a mixed feeling in the start when Ayaan writing to Swati but in the end while Swati wrote the reply as always author rightly justified why he included those.

The lucid language with simple vocabularies made my read more comfortable to finish it in one sitting. I find typos which could be avoidable in future editions after proof read, I hope.

Overall, New mixed concept to cherish the love consisting of different emotions.

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