Review: The Unnamed Story

The Unnamed Story

My rating - 5/5

Blurb -

SANJEEV- This is my story, my story of picking up my pen and inspiring people through my words. I just wonder, how could we miss simple things in life, though we aim and achieve all big things. This is my journey through all simple things, emotions and love, to find out what I really need and deserve.

ANJANI- This is my story, my story of love and dreams. I believe, love is the only thing that never ends, even when the whole world vanishes. I fell for someone, who was in true love with words. This is my journey of exploring love, more importantly myself.

SHIV AND MAHA : This is our story, our story of falling in love, each and every moment. A story of courage and determination, to fight, to live and fall in love, once again. We want our memories, past, present, everything to be filled only with happiness, nothing else.

What happens when these individual lines of different poems are wound together? Some stories never need a name, for, they can't be defined nor named. Yet, they hold something in them.

My views -

"Believe me, we all secretly desire to tell a story to the world. Our own story, the story of our friends, the story of anything and everything. We keep searching for stories everywhere. The way each one of us find the story differs. Some stories are found outside, colorful and vibrant. But some stories need to be searched deep inside our soul, may be, some unnamed stories."

- Extract from the novella. 

The Unnamed Story by Aditi Nath, is an romantic novella. Although it is an short read this made huge impact in me, the simple and flawless narration it takes me somewhere in dream and realistic love journey of Sanjeev and Anjani.

The story is about two best friends Sanjeev and Anjani how they finding and realizing the true love. I don't know whether the poems in start of chapter's nor the theme of story which gives these big wonders in me but one thing is sure Aditi, the author have long way to go.

 In the way of realizing true love Sanjeev and Anjani both have inspired from an elderly couple Shiv and Maha is best, the space and time they taken to ensure true love is superb I can't stop praising it. This is one of the best short story I've ever read, I suggest to each and every one.

Overall My Verdict is Don't miss it. With lucid language and narration author had made all the eyes to turn to her side along with this magical love story.


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