Review: The Mahabharata Code

The Mahabharata Code by Karthik K.B. Rao
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


The Mahabharata Code by Karthik K B Rao, An science fiction novel which is blended with Mythology, religious and fantasy. It is a unique plot for sure, the concept of mixing up mythology with new technology is interesting.

Blurb -

“The Mahabharata Code is a personal account of the main protagonist Narayan Rao (NR), who claims to be an astronomer with NASA. NR and a few other crew members agree to take part in the NASA mission to visit this mystery planet from which they had received mysterious signals. Here, they meet a man with a long flowing white beard, and he introduces himself as Vyasa. He reveals that he has a crazy plan in mind and seeks NR and his members’ help in implementing this plan. He intends to recreate the entire Mahabharata on this planet to restore the faith of the primitive simpletons here.

As the Mahabharata incidents start unfolding, NR realizes that Vyasa intends to recreate them page by page here, if not paragraph by paragraph. Also NR begins to realize that his son, Krishna, who is being groomed by Vyasa as Vishnu’s avatar, is nothing more than a pawn in Vyasa’s scheme of things. Other incidents of Mahabharata also unfold according to the original epic. Pandavas and Kauravas grow up hating each other and finally the restaging plan culminates with both the warring sets of cousins facing each other in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

Inexplicably, like the original epic, Arjuna develops cold feet seeing his own cousins, teachers and relatives on the opposite side. He seeks Krishna’s divine intervention. Is the brainwashed “alien” Krishna prepared for this intervention?”

My views -

I think blurb has rightly collected story line. So I am not focusing on that. Author has given good shape to characters, and narrated each scene really well. From the start you can see a differences between this novel and all the others. He makes to believe the recreation of Mahabharata as it is possible through his technological facts also it shows the research works of author. The novel shows you good flashback technique.

The twists and turns, mysteries which made me glued. Even though In some parts it makes me bored still the plot is different and urge to know the end makes me to read till last.

Apart from the story, the title and cover also perfectly suits with the plot. The subtitle Yet another retelling of the Mahabharata, or is it? Also leads you to know about story little more.

Overall, The Mahabharata Code is a good light read with simple and lucid language. I suggest this book to mythology and Sci-Fi readers.

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