Review 16: Unns-The Captivation

Unns-The Captivation by Sapan Saxena
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Blurb -

"Of course you know about the seven stages of love, but have you ever lived them?"

 Atharva Rathod and Meher Qasim.

Lovebirds since adolescence. Bonded by love, separated by circumstances. They part ways only to meet again. But this time, he is on a secret mission...

Are they in control of their own destiny, or its their destiny which is making them dance to its tunes? Only time would answer, as Atharva and Meher unwillingly and unknowingly transcend the seven stages of love.

 A quintessential tale of love and romance marked beautifully by its own rustic old school charm.

My view -   

UNNS.. The Captivation by Sapan Saxena, a story which given out a deep and deepest impact in me. Not every story can does this kind of impact in me like this story does to me. It's the same another love story releases in the market but it also differs because of writer's unique story telling skills which makes to turn the pages till the last.

About the story its is all about, Atharva Rathod an senior RAW agent, a strongest person who have only one weakness Meher Qasim his love of life. The story starts when Atharva intended to stop writing diary and gives it read for one last time. Story flows through school days of Atharva from how he met her and how they loved each other alike all ours first love story which we can't live with it and also we can't forget. After the school they separate, but their destiny makes each other meet once again after fifteen years when Atharva is on secret mission for RAW at Germany. What happens there after? Will their memories cherish there after? Or else destiny have own plot again?

The language chosen by author is simple lucid which makes read more comfortable, Am Reading a love story so intensely after so long time. I'm sure of these kind of stories will hit the box office too if it made as film. The chapters in which Atharva comes to know she betrayed her once again after fifteen years are really touched me. How he recovers and gives back what she deserves after her betrayal is optimistic.

The narration were so rugged makes to keep going with the flow, other than little typo errors I can't find a flaw in this novel. It will be a perfect novel to be pick up for good time :)

Even the cover is so beautiful and mild which makes you too understand what it contains behind. The name UNNS, which is one of seven stages of love mentioned in Urdu means the stage of infatuation when people think they're in love, but actually aren't, it's merely attraction and captivation. Altogether a well plotted novel, must say.

UNNS, The captivation - Novel to love and cherish with equal thrilling experiences between a RAW agent Atharva and Meher a terrorist whom India is searching for.

My Rating - 4.5/5

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