Review 17: The Death Story

The Death Story The Death Story by Amay Saxena
My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Blurb -

One misty night, a young writer was travelling from Kalka to Mumbai in train. He was enjoying his cold journey when a young beautiful woman entered his compartment. To pass time, she offered to tell him a story. He hesitated firstly but agreed later.

The rest of the night, she told him a story about a woman who never wanted to kill her husband but ended up murdering him.

So, what was the reason behind murdering him? Let's find out...

My view -

The Death Story by Amay Saxena, blended with thrill, horror, romance, friendship, super naturalistic and a cliff hanging suspense. The book features a train journey of the author in which he ended up knowing a real life story of Neha who has a disastrous story behind.

A young couple shifted into their new home but the negative forces and evil residing there played a misery in their life. Why does the evil need to kill the women in the house? What is the story behind their haunted house? Who is that evil?

These questions makes the story interesting to read, but somewhere it is little predictable. The language used was simple but the grammatical mistakes makes reading little tough.

The author has chosen a flashback kind of narration to reveal the story behind the house. Neha's grandfather was a detective and in such a case he had killed one person in that house, later the land was cursed and murdered person came back as evil to take his revenge.

Will Neha succeed? Or will the darkness overrule the light? The later part ends​ with disappointment on a simply identical plot.

The book cover also is something to be noticed which I initially didn't like but lately after finishing the book, I found it an apt one, where it refers to the ghost.

Overall, the author has tried to give out his best and succeeded in making the story gripping but I personally felt improvement is much needed.

My rating - 2.5/5

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