Review 18: The Fragrance of Rose: Beauty. Dignity. Ambition

The Fragrance of Rose: Beauty. Dignity. Ambition by Chirajit Paul

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Blurb -

Rinita Bose is an ordinary middle class girl with extraordinary beauty and unmatched aspirations. While chasing her dreams, she comes face to face with harsh realities. That's how she learns the valuable lesson – what most men really want.

 In a twist of fate, she picks up enmity with a powerful man and flees the city. She switches careers and hides her identity behind the garb of Rose to make a place in Bollywood. She earns money, fame, adulation and success. But love eludes her.

 She witnesses the darkness of life in a drunkard father, a lecherous boss, a scheming producer and a friend who wants to take advantage. But then there are those that she can rely on in the worst of situations, her friends from childhood who stand by her through thick and thin. Those who don't judge her; just love her unconditionally.

 Will Rinita be able to find the love she craves for? Or will she be mercilessly crushed for The Fragrance of Rose.

My view -     

The Fragrance of Rose behind the thorns.

The Fragrance of Rose: Beauty. Dignity. Ambition by Chirajit Paul, the title itself have a story deep beneath. The story is all about Rinita Bose, a girl from middle class family father died in her small age and Rinta's mother too died during her college days.

You know in a country like India what were the problems faced by single women, be at the work place or among the devil eyed friends. Yes, this story is all about problems faced by Rinita Bose, an well talented young women with Beauty, Dignity and Ambition. Whom in thought of achieving big have degraded by the people's around her in various stages. All her trusted ones be it his Manager, Producer or her beloved friend's husband. Whom an women can trust? How she got up from all the problems? Whether Rinita got the love she deserves? Or Vanished because of the men's urges?

The Fragrance of Rose is well confined novel with the enthralling narrating and characterisations, the simple and lucid language is also an another assert for the novel to make readers engaged.

Above all, Well appreciate able thing as I noticed is to writing about the pain of women's faces be it sexual abusive or untrust ability, instead of an lurid love.

Overall, The Fragrance of Love is Notable one for how crape an society been and how well it can turn if you chooses to be a good to you and around - A great read with love, friendship and social awakening thoughts.

Ps- Thank you to Authors Paradise for the review copy :)

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