The Bogus Read - BOOK REVIEW 10
Book Details -
Name - The Bogus ReadAuthor - Divyamaan
Publisher - Frog books
No. Of pages - 289
My Rating - 4/5.

Blurb -
"In a galaxy far, far away from Earth there were two countries. India and Pakistan.
Both countries somehow remained in a perennial state of conflict since their independence. After badly losing thrice to India, Pakistan has now come up with the ultimate conspiracy - attack the minds of the Indian masses and capture the nation. In a partially successful attempt, it captures some portion of India. The Indian Government, led by its highly patriotic PM, Narendar Mody and His Royal Highness, Arnub Gooswamy, takes charge of the situation and comes up with a master plan of defeating Pakistan, using some of India's most potent weapons - corruption, political-hooliganism and annoying celebrities.
They are supported by five engineering students who, inspite of their otherwise mundane lives, get embroiled in the mess. They set themselves on a perilous journey only to discover how deep the whole conspiracy is and how dangerous are the brains behind it. Will they succeed in revealing the conspiracy to the Army?
Will the lost territories be recaptured by India? To find out read 'The Bogus Read', an illogically-logical take on Indian politics, mainstream media, cinema and the television industry."
My views -
The Bogus Read by Divyamaan, it been a completely different and new to me. The bogus read makes me to laugh throughout the end. The humour genre is rare to take by Indian authors. May it could be of many reasons but major reason as I see is making someone to laugh is not an easier part.
The bogus read clears all the way with its unpredictable plot by criticizing and in the same way which could not hurt others and made to think. The story is all of fiction, about after Pakistan losing kargil what they planned? How they attempted it? Did they won or we overcomes it?
The first part is all about how India got dumped by Pakistan's fake soap operas and their intelligence of making themselves in India and making our IQ level lower slowly.
The part of it also shows how the four engineering students finds out this in strange equally clever manner, the creative thoughts of writer makes us to think somewhere even we become the prey in their nest? The Bio weapons, clowning each and everything used is possible and shows author's hard works to create new thoughts by openly criticizing Indian politics, mainstream media, cinema and television channels because of their behaviour which is looking forward to money only.
Also in the end fourth battle of Panipat, the situations and comedic way of approach writer stays with laughter.
Follows it, the characterization of each and every character college students, Modi or Arunab, wah the thoughts still makes me laugh out loud xD
The simple English and lucid lines makes content more clear even though in the start I didn't get the connection to the story but by the end the story connects with me much.
In the new ways of writing and brave enough to make the attempt to try newer makes me to more of writer's upcoming ones.
My verdict - The Bogus Read an simple humorous fun read throughout with creative flow of writing.
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