The Twirled November - BOOK REVIEW 12

Book Details -

Title - The Twirled November
Author - Krishna K Verma
No. Of Pages - 158
Publisher -  Inked Company Publishing
My Rating - 4/5.

Blurb -

Krish got attracted to 'Avantika' from the first day he saw her. They were very happy in their life. Suddenly the girl that Krish wanted to accompany him on his journey back home reappears as Avantika's cousin 'Kanak'. He started getting attracted to her. Avantika got to know about them and now she has to choose between her own happiness and the Kanak's. The fate was questioning their relationship. Harry and Smriti tried their hell out to make them understand but all in vain. Is it their Love? Or it was just an attraction? Or it's obsession?... The answer lies within them...

My view -

The Twirled November by Krishna K Verma, an romantic tale full and fully. Describes the modern way of love and togetherness through Krish and Avanthika. The vocabulary is simple and narration is very lucid, all together it's a beautiful compilation for romance readers.

About the story, Krish, born in Uttar Pradesh is from a lower middle class family where he is happy because of love he gets but unhappy due to his needs remain unsatisfied. For his college degree, he got admission in a college at Kolkata where he created an everlasting bond of friendship of Avanthika, Harry and Smriti. The story revolves around how eventually the friendship turns to love between Krish & Avanthika and the struggles Krish faced financially. A gripping story with protagonist as Krish with flashbacks, The story makes gets interesting when the love birds face problems and separate from each other. What really happened?
Did they manage to patch?
This part makes the story interesting.

I liked the way friendship of four characters is portrayed and  how they remain united in all the situation.
Also, the way Krish reduces the family burden and how Avantika's support made it possible.

All together "The Twirled November" is Love, friendship, unity and a great read!

My rating - 4/5.

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