Review: Dasharajna: The Battle of Ten Kings

Dasharajna: The Battle of Ten Kings by Shankar Kashyap
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blurb - 

This is the story based on the main event within the seventh book of Rigveda. It is the story of an epic battle between Sudas of Bharatas and Cayamana of Anus leading confederacy of ten disgruntled kings. It takes place on the banks of River Ravi, it is also battle between the two of the most powerful sages of Rigveda-Vashista and Vishwamitra.Extensive research into the vedic scriptures and archaeological records have helped to create a fascinating insight into the geography of the battle. 

It is the battle whose result is paradigm shifting in that the outcome decided the future of the great epics of India-Ramayana and Mahabharatha.

My views -

Dasharajna by Shankar N. Kashyap is the mythological novel based on seventh book of RigVeda as stated in the blurb. Starting from the cover it is well designed with hardcover.

The story is about battle on banks of river Ravi, where the battle tooks place between Sudas & Cayamana. In the whole story I was amazed with author's detailed story telling, Shankar kashyap is so accurate in landscape, timings.

The book comes in 3rd of Harappa series which is fascinating and creates desires to read other novels too. A 306 page of griping historic rewind. This will be a delight for all mythological readers out there. Just pick this novel to dwell in past and look back the majestic.

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