What should we think of ?

When the kaveri issue is at its peak, my friend pop up with several questions " What made them to behave like this? What makes them to partition in same nation? ".

While answering his questions one by one it ended with most notable question, " Here how many of them are good humans? "

Most probably a much difficult question to be answer because all were good to themselves in this 21st century. To calm him without proper solution I replied, " You will comes to know when everyone thinks of it ".

May be the conversation was ended there itself but his question have valid points, all wants to notice it. May be we divide with states and nations only thing that make us unite is humanity. The process of humanity itself leads to a solution. Breathe in thoughts of humanity and you will be a humanness.

May be some still left with question, 'What was the need to think about humanity in-between?'

The humanity that itself a big teacher of all, the most important lesson is humility. I just want you all to remember something that we know, " The tree that has the most fruits is the tree that bends to the ground ".  When we all starts to believe Humanity and Humility as high profile there it gives a solution of individual to nation's issues. Think of it :)


Murali Subramanian, a friend I mentioned who made this post possible, always you been my inspirer thank you buddy


  1. Hi buddy. Thank you for your credits. It makes me happy that someone giving voice to my opinion. And that someone is a very close friend. And my google account name is Murali Subramanian not Subramaniam or my facebook ID is Murali S Dhoni

    1. Will change it, btw ur thought is much noticable, keep ur voice for good issues.

    2. I think I'm not in the correct level. At my current level, I think my tone only reaches the maximum of 50 people. If my voice should reach everyone I have to work hard and working hard to reach a better level. This is why,because Am living in a world where people didnt saw what a person telling, their mind looks only who is the person telling :) n once again thank you buddy for adding a mike to my voice :) Writter is on the way. Looking for great stuffs in this blog :)

  2. Thank you for your invaluable words, you were right in prescriptions one day all the people will turn to saw you, will keenly listen you.. Way to go buddy... N don't look at the reach 50 or 500 ur words/content only matters :)


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