Review: Thank God I'm Fired

Thank God I'm Fired by Sandeep Pawar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Blurb -

What do you do when you think you are trapped in the wrong job? Leave the job and do what you love. Simple, isn’t it? But what if you neither have the guts to leave the job nor know what you love to do? Complicated, isn’t it?
Meet Raghav, who like millions of other software professionals, is stuck in a similar situation. But don’t worry, his destiny has better plans for him. What plans you may ask? Well, getting him fired.
This novella takes you on a light-hearted tour of the contemporary software industry where you can ask the haunting question loudly- is getting sacked a blessing in disguise? 

My views -

Thank God I'm Fired: A Corporate Enigma by Sandeep Pawar is a short story that would speak the heart of a corporate guy, Raghav who's in a non-satisfied corporate job and ready to his dream job. The hardships of every salaried person face when they were fired or switch their career is explained in simple and at the best possible way.

The story was more relatable to everyone who has misplaced themselves into a job they don't like. The positivity about the story is how everyone can come out of it and do what they really like and succeed in it.

Also, the story having a motivating factor and enlightening the confidence to seek the right job we fit into. I really liked the way the author narrated it, narration had that captivating part to stick with the story till the last page.

I would suggest it to everyone who placed themselves into a job they fond of and planning to switch their careers. Also to everyone for worth knowing the reality behind corporate jobs and working persons.

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