Review: The Verge of Fear

The Verge of Fear by Praneeth Ravindra
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

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The Verge of Fear by Praneeth Ravindra is an fictional story contains of fantasy which includes Love, Thriller, Rebirth, God and Godness.

The Story starts when Sadhu find himself in the strange place without any memories of past and awareness of what's happening around now. The story moves on when he finds the sage who is holding answers for his questions.

The sage made him calm and reveal his identity of past and present things, the way author revealed about his past engrossed of love, fun, friendship and other emotional elements in human life.

After revelation of past he realise sage to be as god himself and his motive to bring him alone when he died in past, hereafter the second part of story carry forward where author indulge his fantasy elements of how humans send to earth how they started to live in initial days and how they spend their days without modern inventories and how they understand nature power towards new innovations from them. Also in this phase author beautifully explained the god and godness. Who is god? What is godness? It were something that all people will agree without any religious barriers.

For taking this kind of plots itself is appreciate able one from my point of view and the way he shown the difference from first to second part shows authors imaginative skills. First is fast paced and interesting when compare to second. But second one is so unique in the way of imagination.

Overall, The Verge of Fear is thrill, imaginative with easy way of natation and simple vocabularies.

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Blurb -

This is a Fiction story and talked about a young man's life, how it turned later a few astonishing incidents and how he has accomplished his love, family? Infact, it is every person story happening in routine. It will take the readers through family emotions, bondings, love and finally goodness, kind nature. This is one side of the story. Other side of the story is also directly or indirectly related to every human being in this world.


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