Review 30: Sick of Being Healthy

Sick of Being Healthy by Monisha K. Gumber
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Blurb -

"Tara, a young teenager is blessed with a little bit too much of health for her own good. Desperate to get the guy of her dreams, she ends up playing a very dangerous game- a game that could cost her friendship, her peace of mind and even her life ! Actually that's an exaggeration but yes, she does make some serious blunders in her quest for a perfect body to impress her one true love. Can she do it an d is it all really worth it?

Welcome to her world and discover her inspiring journey towards real health and happiness, meet her stunning high achiever best friends and her parents who never seem to be satisfied. Let down by her own sister and under constant pressure to do well in studies, she learns how to fight her confidence and self-esteem issues and emerge a winner in the end."

My view -     

"For all complex questions - there are answers. Simple, straight and probably wrong."

Sick of being healthy by Monisha K Gumber, I wonder how to mention it novel or a diary of 14-year kid. The novel states the story of Tara Kapoor, that 14-year kid and the protagonist herself.

It is an worth read and much more useful to the one who doesn't believe in themselves, may be that's what I felt after finishing the reading.

Does anyone thought how they will feel while you mock them with their physical appearance, the book fully speaks about a school kid who faces certain problems when others used to mock her because of over healthy and how she recovered from them.

What you will think when someone says about their school experience, yeah your mind will gets back to your school experience, alike that this book will help you to cherish your memories with stating all the day happenings from lectures to Best moments with friends and off course dating. ( Dating - sounds inappropriate in 14-year kids life but things are changing so we need to accept. )

The pictures and narration makes to read it in one go. There's no mistakes I felt in author point of view. She tried her level best to give motivation and made it look possible in self help point of view. Only thing I feel that it didn't comes good is cover.

Overall, Sick of being healthy is worth to read in one go, Extra surprise is its squeal have already left in markets - "Dying to live". Wish author get success as she got in her debut.
Note:- Don't built a castle with my words, its an teen fiction. So just enjoy the read 😊

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