The Three Wise Monkeys - BOOK REVIEW 4

Blurb -

The trio—Amar, Akbar, and Anthony—had no clue whatsoever about their goddammit indecisive-careers-and-indefinite-struggles.

And that was because they were born with the Peter Pan Syndrome and were simple enough to be tricked by anyone, including their mystifying girlfriends—Meghna, Farah, and Sarah. And as is the fate of all morons, they were drawn into
trouble—deep trouble—of hiding crores of rupees of black money in secret offshore companies.

Will their mistake of turning a blind eye to the philosophy of ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ cost them their careers and put them in prison? 
Will Lady Luck change their fortunes forever?

My View -

The Three Wise Monkeys by Jeet Gian. " Life is exciting when you have money, honey, and cronies. And then you are hunted down by the police! " with this interesting tag line and continues good reviews and the big news of it going to be a feature film, I had started reading this much expectations and I had thoroughly satisfied with all the works of author narration, characterisation and editing.

This is some of very few novel which clearly conveys the story to the reader without confusing. As it is of 400 pages sounds bit lengthy but it didn't makes me deviate apart from story. Such a way author wrote it and no wonder it is going to be a film you'll to agree at the end.

About the story - The story is about the trio of three friends, eventually the three wise monkeys Amar, Akbar, and Anthony who finished graduated as CA after their eight years of invaluable efforts still who were struggling to get clients over four years.

When the life goes like this they went on to a high profile award ceremony which going changes their life forever, they met Meghna, Farah, and Sarah their love of their love and who going to change their destinies. What happens in their life? Whether it ends in good or bed? Who had benefited at last? 
An filmy style and good humorous way of writing makes interesting throughout.
Read The Three Wise Monkeys for Good humour with social thoughts which may makes someone thinks.

The life of trio ends us to think of beautiful message
" We shall overcome, we shall overcome,We shall overcome someday;Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,We shall overcome someday. "

My rating is 4/5.

To Buy on Amazon click here

Have a happy reading ahead! :)


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