Review: You are the best thing that happened to me

You are the best thing that happened to me by Sushil Kumar Rana
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blurb -

Sushil Pandit is a mechanical engineer. He is also an author of two bestselling novels. Now, he has everything in life, except for one crucial thing. Anjali, his love. Without her, he is just another ordinary guy, just a writer, an engineer, with nothing to look forward to. Love is a blissful and everyone has to experience it once in a lifetime. Love makes life lively and also give a reason to live. There was a time when these two lovebirds were an example of two bodies, one soul. But a turning point in their lives sets them apart, with their soul still united and strong. Experience a roller coaster of emotions in this story. Find out how Sushil changed into a successful person from an ordinary boy. 

My views -

"You Are The Best Thing Happened To Me" by Sushil Kumar Rana, what will you term as best thing happened to you in life? What if the same thing you thought as best turns into worst? Aren't all the things changes to the times? Read the story to find the best and worst happened to the protagonist of the story Sushil Pandit.

You Are The Best Thing Happened To Me, is an romantic fiction. It is blended with various emotions an human can ever witnesses. It makes me to enjoy the love, friendships and makes me to understand the family sentiments, middle class family's sufferings. Also likely the author more efficiently confessed the failure of love, the pain it causes and moreover a engineering graduate's situations and their helplessness.

I started of with the thoughts of another romantic novel in the book world but the way author carried out the story by narrating the story from protagonist's success to his story of life. Its won my heart. In mid of the story I can connect with my own school crush, proposing to your love, valuable time with friends all are well written. Language used by author is so lucid helped to read in one go.

Overall, "You Are The Best Thing Happened To Me" by Sushil Kumar Rana is a novel to go through for romantic story lovers and starters, above all the good book needs a editing for some grammatical errors which is negligible for its good ones.

Ps :- Now fingers crossed to read the squeal of this part badly waiting to know another half of Sushil-Anjali love story.

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