Review: Principles of success made easy-14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success

Principles of success made easy-14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success by Roopleen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blurb -

Principles of Success Made Easy - 14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success is the culmination of my onerous efforts of writing something simple yet relevant. It is a pragmatic account of the fundamental principles of achieving success by self-help and is the distilled essence of my years of research and understanding of the dynamics of success. This practical manual serves as a step-by-step guide to climb the ladder of success. It gives both an in-depth view and a time-tested approach to succeed and chronicles 14 golden principles of achieving success. The principles are wide-ranging and apply to success in any sphere of life. My own life has been transformed by the principles enshrined in this book. Therefore, I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be successful in life and seeks happiness. Principles of Success Made Easy - 14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success would prove to be not only a guidebook for success but also a reservoir and storehouse of strength and motivation. I am sure all my readers would be able to relate to this book, which has been carefully tailored just for them. They would be tempted to read this self-help manual over and over again in order to assimilate its contents and incorporate the principles in their lives. After all, as is said, 'a good book becomes a part of you'.    

My views -

Principles of success : 14 easy steps to climb the ladder of success by Dr Roopleen, is an self help book. from the name and the cover you can observe theme of the book. Author states fourteen golden principles to achieve the success. They are,

1. Draft the blue print of your life – This part makes you to clear what you want to achieve, How to figure out that and categorized them according to priorities.

2. Believe in yourself – In this part author states how to believe in yourself, what holds you back from believing in yourself.

3. Build yourself up – In this you can learn about building up your Self-esteem, Courage, Killer instinct, optimism and positive thinking.

4. Let confidence be your hallmark – Author points out the self confidence need and danger on over confidence.

5. Never give up – Here author said about attitude of never quitting, fear of failure and living in the present by letting go off the past.

6. Visualization and positive affirmations – Author given the importance and effects of positive and negative thinking.

7. The tripped of success – Author pointed out there major things here hard work, perseverance and discipline.

8. Identity your Achilles' heel – Its about improving ourselves by overcoming negative feelings, lack of self belief, self confidence, perseverance, concrete plans.

9. Skills you need to master – The topic explains the content of improving our various skills and about their importance.

10. Get tough with stress – This part says about dealing with stresses and author's thought on it.

11. Organize yourself – A vast topic covers feelings, majorly speaks about clutter and declutter.

12. Acknowledge and celebrate your success – Importance of celebration, Which and how to celebrate success. Also says about tracking down achievements clearly.

13. Be a winner – Says about how can we be a winner and clarifies myths about success.

14. The X factor – Important and useful chapter about discovering and developing your charisma.

Above all this chapters in the end author added the FAQs of life, somewhere the question that rises up within us and we move on without knowing the answer. For them it will be more useful.

What I had liked most is author quoted many motivational quotes and given out many examples which is more connectable and reader friendly. The book is more pointed towards HOW TO DO other than stating WHAT TO DO.

Each and every topic has been discussed in detailed yet the analysis and if author written about her personal touch on the above principles it will be given more connection while reading.

Overall, Principle of success is guide to find easy way of success if you followed on a regular basics. An good light read with simple and lucid language of total 132 pages. Personally a well motivational read for me.

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